Asphalt & Driveways Repairs

Asphalt Repair

We include milling, full depth patching, overlay, saw cutting.

Constant use & weather conditions can cause wear and tear on the asphalt. The moment you notice any crack in the already constructed asphalt, the best thing to do is to carry out necessary patching and repairs. Asphalt patching and repair is required when the cracks develop due to sunlight, heavy rainfall, heavy traffic condition etc. Neglecting the asphalt maintenance would lead to costly repairs in the future. The benefits of asphalt repairs and patching is greater than the costs.

Crack Filling

Effective crack sealing keeps water from entering and weakening the base or sub-base. It helps preserve the pavement adjacent to the cracks; and extends pavement

Proper attention to cracks prevents problems from spreading

We fill all large cracks in with hot tar

It is generally recommended that alligator areas be removed and replaced rather than filled or sealed.

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